Day 2 mobility in Athens

“First of all the students have started working on their Business Plan on the basis of the information collected yesterday. They have worked hard and a 10:00am, after a short break, they were joined by the Polish students who started working with them remotely.

All students agree that they have enjoyed chatting and comparing ideas with their mates and that their contribution has  really improved the drafting of the business plan.

After an initial confusion due to the lack of organisation within the groups, each team working at a project idea, fixed the own rules and how to interact comparing ideas and getting benefit from the cooperation among them. Everybody seemed to be satisfied and proud of the work done.

At about 12:30 am students and teachers went to the restaurant where the owner was waiting for us to be interviewed. First he explained how he set up his restaurant stating from a smaller family catering-business and how he has developed his entrepreneurship, focusing on the quality of the food cooked and the large choice of traditional dishes. He explained that every time somebody shares a positive comment on his restaurant, it is a free of charge form of advertisement for him.

The owner was asked about his relationship towards his competitors and his answer was surprising as he said that he isn’t afraid of any other competitor but him himself.

In the afternoon the whole group reached the Stravos Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, an amazing oasis of green plants coming from all over Greece where an extremely modern and of great  architectural impact building dominates the space between the city and the sea.”


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