Today’s first task consists in watching the interviews from all the entrepreneurs done in each country and to compare their answers. 8 international groups have been created to do so and to focus on one question for all the interviews. Here are some pictures of our students at work. You can watch the videos on the following link:
Conference about How to set a business plan by Andrea Ferrarri. Our Finnish and Polish partners participate by videoconference.
“The conference we had yesterday with the Italians, the French, the Polish and the Greeks was very interesting. We had a presentator talking about being an entrepreuner and what it takes to succeed. We also had tasks about the subject and presented them to everybody. The conference went technically better than last time so that was a pleasant surprise! We are looking forward to our next online meeting on Thursday”. (The Finnish students)
This afternoon, the students are divided in 5 groups and they are interviewing local entrepreneurs. (Matthias Honorat Lycee Don Bosco Marseille)